Customer Reviews
  • " Works perfectly, had my doubts at first but it is official and the staff is VERY helpful and respond almost instantaneously! I am now sure that my credit card number is safe with oneclickreseller! I ve had no issues with purchasing an account whatsoever! "
  • Vuk matic, Doha, Qatar


We have following secured payment gateways

1) paysafecard

paysafecard : Pay by Cash

paysafecard is worlds leading prepaid payment method that you can use to pay for items online quickly and easily without having to disclose credit card numbers or bank account related data. For more information about paysafecard, please go to menu item

paysafecard is available worldwide from more than 350,000 sales outlets. You can find the nearest one in our sales outlet

No Recurring Payments
All Payments are onetime payments


2) Inpay

You can pay with inpay from any bank account in the world. (Local Bank Transfer)

No Recurring Payments
No need to expose your credit card
Safe & Secure

To know which banks are supported please visit